The Story We Tell Ourselves

  • What's the point? 

  • Nothing ever changes.

  • It's always been this way.

  • It's too late to start.

  • Does it matter? 

Friend, it matters to God. And I think deep down it matters to you.  God has woven a thread of His image throughout your life. Creating you with purpose and specific giftings and talents. Gifting and talents to be used for the benefit of others. Aren't we all looking for those places of significance?

If you are little like me, you also might be filtering all our joy and disappointment through the stories we tell ourselves. Little armours we have built up to keep the tenderness and heartbreak at bay. And in the process have strong armed soft-heartedness and joy. 

We have been fed a steady diet of lies about calling and purpose. If it isn't gradious, self-promoting and world changing does it matter?  But what about the dream to serve your family well? The gift of hospitality that is collecting dust? The neighbor you have been meaning to meet. The note to the new mom you keep forgetting to write.  The youth you are wanting to mentor. A career or class you have longed to try.  The art or craft that sits waiting to be explored. 

It isn't too late. The calling, gifting and talent isn't too small. 

there is a better way


a way that looks for truth and meaning in our lives and circumstances. When heartbreak is inevitable, joy and purpose are the choice.  

The moody kid, the hallway that needs painting, the meal planning, the sick parent. Walking in our giftings brings meaning to the mundane. 

Coaching Questions 

What are the themes you see in your life? 

What story are you telling yourself? 

Where do you feel stuck? 

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3 Ways to Rewrite Your Story