A Barrier to Starting: It’s Too Late


Did you know Julia Child's first cookbook was rejected, and she published Mastering the Art of French Cooking when she was 49? 

At age 48, Norah Epron brought us When Harry Met Sally. Don’t let midlife fool you into thinking there isn’t any thing left for you.


Throughout the scriptures, there is a long history of the Lord using women of all different ages and stages. Sarah, in her 90s, and after many mistakes, the Lord used her to give birth to Issac. Elizabeth was the mother to John the Baptist. Naomi was Ruth's mentor and protector. Anna, a widow of over 80 years, devoted her life to prayer. 

It is incredibly easy to look at our stage of life, those around us, and our circumstances and determine it is too late to start. There may not be a runway in your life to be a world-renowned brain surgeon, but there is plenty of time left to start something meaningful.

I never knew I'd be a coach at 52, but I can see all the threads the Lord has woven through this journey. I still have a book in me to publish. And you still have time! 


My children are turning into young adults right before my eyes. They will be full-grown adults before I can even imagine. None of us want to be left paralyzed by the transition of our children to adults, plagued by “Now What?" Our highest calling is serving the Lord. And if you are a mom, a considerable part of this service is mothering. Mothering is an incredible gift, but it isn't the only one. As they grow, so does our purpose.


This is the perfect time to become curious about your gifts and talents. If you want to take it a step further, explore what it would be like to start something you've tucked away for later. 

On the other side of thinking it is too late, our gifts and talents are waiting to be used as worship and in the service of others. 


“It's Too Late” Barriers to Starting: 

-Comparison will lead you to believe you aren’t young enough

-Learning a new skill might feel like there isn’t enough time

-Life capacity might not afford you the time you need. 

-Uncertain if the investment will be worth the time.

-Rejection from earlier stages of life still affects you.

-Fear of looking foolish.


Coaching Questions:

  1. Do you judge yourself by the same standards culture judges those your age?

  2. Do you have a plan for moving forward?

  3. Do you have a clear picture of you who'd like to serve this season?


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A Barrier to Starting: Pefection


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