Stuck is Just Fancy Fear


Stuck is just fancy fear

Being afraid of facing fear isn't your fault.

When you are conditioned for radical self-sufficiency, facing fear is a weakness.

We are all walking around with some fear of something. From tarantulas to failure or something in between.

For the Love of Fear, over a few posts, we will look at fear, how we feel it and work through it. Come along!


This is bravely looking at fear, the story fear tells us, and finding the truth. 


When we peel back the covers from stuck, it is usually fearful. Fear of rejection, inadequacy, and failure are sneaky like that. Stuck keeps us from moving towards a goal, a person, or God. In the kingdom, we have complete access to possibility. At the bare minimum, we have the Holy Spirit to sit with us while we gently uncover the fear that keeps us “stuck.”


Stuck shows up for me by chasing perfection, like taking fear and control on a date. It keeps me from pressing send, making the call, setting up the appointment, praying impossible prayers, and asking for the Miracle. 

Walking in my calling. 

Coaching Questions:

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

What does a perfect day five years from now look like?

For 1 minute, write down every gratitude that comes to mind. 


How does Stuck show up for you?

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